The DOS Apprentice Program is an affordable way to facilitate long term dance studies in Middle Eastern dance across geographic boundaries while actively developing the discipline, consistency, knowledge base and skills expected in a dancer and artist. All with the advantage of a personal coach joining your dance entourage to allow you to always dance your best. The program focuses on dancers with some experience to performing artists and teachers.
The program aims to build a strong foundation of dance and background knowledge upon where you build your own identity as a dancer and artist through a combination of in-person/Skype/video and email correspondence.
The program is perfect for you if you aim to develop yourself as a dancer independent of physical or professional aspirations. This program aims to develop you to the dancer you deserve to be expressing dance with purpose and intention with consideration of culture, dance training, psychological impact, branding and artistry.
For artists, whether aspiring or established, the program additionally assists you with developing a consistent expression and providing a clarity in delivery - allowing your audiences and followers to commit to your statement with ease.
For teachers the program additionally provides you with teaching techniques and curriculum development that aim to keep dance enjoyable, yet educational and maintaining growth both for you and your dancers.
Whether you need a few months of intensive study or seek to immerse yourself long term, this is a program that will enhance you.
The program itself consists of 2 biweekly sessions each month or the equivalent in homework. Homework review and feedback is done through video/Skype/in-person. A certain amount of self-discipline and ability to work on an individual basis is required for this program to be successful as the structure relies on homework tasks being done and an active participation in one's learning process.
Dancers participating in the program have improved alignment, balance, stamina and also expand their knowledge of technique, musicality, movement logic, style, self-expression and dance.
DOS Apprentice Program - monthly fee USD 100
- monthly fee EUR 90
- monthly fee NOK 800
NOTE: program acceptance requires an intake assessment to be passed. Mere payment does not count as enrollment.